Pedro Mandinga

Geisha Coffee Liqueur

Using our Pedro Mandinga Raspadura Rum as the base spirit, we have created a Geisha Co ee Liqueur in collaboration with Finca Dos Jefes a small co ee farm in Boquete, located in the Chiriquí Province near the Caribbean coast of Panamá. The process begins with an infusion of our Raspadura Rum and coarsely ground Geisha Co ee, allowing all the flavors and colors of the co ee to infuse into the liquid.

Sugar farm

The Geisha coffee variety is native to Ethiopia, but has been adopted throughout Central America as a specialty coffee variety with unique characteristics. It is known for its floral, jasmine and fruity aromas, such as peach, cherry and dates.
At Pedro Mandinga we decided to use Geisha coffee from Finca Dos Jefes, located in Boquete, on the slopes of the Barú volcano. This farm is at 1,400 meters above sea level and produces a wide variety of specialty coffees that they sell to many stores in Panama City and to several clients around the world. To make our coffee liqueur, we infuse this lightly roasted coffee with our Rasped Rum until it brings out all the flavors of the coffee. After filtering it, we add Rasped Syrup to balance the flavors and lower it to 28% ABV.

Type of sugarcane

Crystal: Characteristically with tall stems that can reach up to 5 well-known for their high juice content. The stems are cylindrical, initially green and fibrous, becoming darker as they mature.
Reina: Is a variant of sugarcane with stems that have a distinctive purple or violet color. This color is caused by the presence of anthocyanins or natural pigments with antioxidant properties. Additionally, these pigments contribute to the sugarcane juice having a darker color and flavor than the classic variety.

Raw material

Raspadura Sugarcane Juice: Is a byproduct of sugarcane, considered the 'ancestral sugar' by many cultures from India to the Caribbean. To obtain sugarcane juice, the cane juice is boiled to concentrate the sugar content, caramelized, and then poured into wooden molds to solidify.
As a natural product, it contains nutrients such as minerals (iron, magnesium, potassium) and some vitamins. It can be said that raspadura sugarcane juice preserves the flavor of Panama's terroir.


In Pedro Mandinga, we use a special yeast to ferment our mash until it reaches a content of 10-12% alcohol by volume (ABV) before being distilled. We ferment at a stable and relatively low temperature to keep the yeast comfortable and to produce the best possible alcohols. It is balance between time and temperature that allows us to achieve a unique flavor profile and make the most of producing smooth, aromatic, and fruity alcohols.


Pedro Mandinga distills on a 650-liter copper still with a nine-plate column that aids in producing a fruity and smooth alcohol. To achieve our Raspadura Rum, we undergo three distillations to separate all the alcohol produced by the yeast from the fermented mash, resulting in a noble and naturally fragrant rum.
